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Missionary Stories - Teejay

Read about the missionaries we’ve funded, and the impact they’re having.

“My Journey with Christ really started one day when a friend of mine invited me to a Church service at his Church. Prior to that service I was practicing the Catholic faith which I was born into, and by practicing I mean just held the title of a Christian Catholic. However, at the church service, for the first time in my life I witnessed fiery men and women worshiping God with all their hearts publicly and unashamedly. It seemed to me as if they were worshiping as if this was the last opportunity they would get to worship Him.”

That day something shifted in me and I found myself responding to the altar call at the end of the service, and at that point I still did not understand the meaning of salvation. After this experience I found myself back at my Catholic Church attending mass every sunday, but I always remembered the experience of worshiping God like I saw at that church my friend took me to. I continued to yearn for that experience and even had seasons when I would try to search for places like that but nothing. Then moving forward to 2019, I contacted my Navy Chaplain to help me with my marriage which was on the rocks. Then suddenly at the end of that conversation, he asked me about my relationship with God. After that question I realized that I had one foot in my catholic church and another in a bunch of other churches trying to find a place to belong to. That following Sunday I decided for the first time to surrender my life to Jesus at a local church.

 For the first time, I drew the line in the sand and I decided to wholly commit my life to Him, and His purposes for me. I told my wife after that day and shared with my family, and that entire experience did not go well. My wife and I ended up divorcing, and my parents turned their back on me. That was a very difficult time in my life, I had just accepted the Lord and then my entire Life went into a downward spiral. By the grace of God through all of that adversity, I ran desperately straight to the feet of Jesus, mainly because I had nowhere else to go; Not knowing at the time that was just the place I needed to be at. I began to seek Him every day, read His Word, and operate in a new kingdom perspective. At my low God showed Himself strong on my behalf and He sustained me though that difficult season in my life. Then I began to grow and seek discipleship. I began to learn how to pray and establish a living relationship with a living God. Then the Lord began to open doors for me and provide me with new job opportunities. I began to change from the mindset that I need to be successful on my own to I am going to sow my way and trust that He will work all things for my good. I then began to have this zeal inside me that wanted more people to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and to grow in their knowledge and love. At this point I began to cultivate this desire to see more people saved and I began to believe that my yes to Jesus will bring thousands, if not millions, to Christ


I then sought discipleship to grow even further in my faith, and to learn how to evangelize and to operate in faith to see miracles, signs, and wonders. I then was connected with Elisha Revolution missionary ministries and began to grow and learn and eventually sent out to the harvest fields. So far, I have gone to Mexico, Malawi, and Burundi and have seen and heard about 300,000 salvations along with miracles happening in every county. My next mission is a 10 day miracles crusade with Elisha Revolution and we are going to Madagascar this coming Saturday August 6th, 2022. After that the plan is to go to Israel, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Zambia, and the Philippines. I am expectant that God will move mightily on my next mission and the other that will follow. 

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